4 Ways to Improve Employee Moral With Your CSR Program

Quick Tips to Improve Employee Moral Within Your Company

It’s time to improve employee moral within your company. Are your employees visibly unhappy? Do they dread going into work each morning, and struggle to get through the day? Low morale causes employees to lose interest in going the extra mile. This leads to poor cooperation and low productivity. This all means that something needs to change in the work environment. Implementing a CSR program might be exactly what you need to better employee engagement and minimize employee attrition. So how does the CSR program boost employee moral?

Being one with the community. Everyone wants to be a part of the community, and belong to something greater than the 8 hours they spend at work daily. When a business noticeably invests in their community, they make it easier for employees to want to go into work. Their work has become more than a job—they are an addition to the community.

Individualizes your company from others. A company that makes an effort to improve its communities and its work environment individualizes itself from other competitors. Therefore, you will feel it, your employees will feel it, and so will your customers. This chain reaction will increase employee moral, because employees are a part of something.

Valued as a community member, not an employee. Appreciating your employees as more than just employees, but as individuals of the community, goes a long way. Showing curiosity in their personal interests outside of work through your CSR program and community related events creates enthusiasm in the workforce. That ultimately produces higher customer satisfaction.

Exciting new change in work atmosphere. Varying the work atmosphere is another way. Instead of the expected routine of meetings and cubicle life, go towards volunteering and community oriented events, which can go a long way toward increasing employee morale.



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