Career Readiness - Resources

Resources Materials

Advice for the modern job search. This free site includes templates for resumes, cover letters, tips and tricks for Interviews, checklists to be prepared and so much more! 

Everything you need to know about being prepared for your upcoming interviews can be found here. Find articles on getting interview ready, types of interviews, interview tips, common questions, and lots more.

This is a great source for job interview success. From strategizing about how to tackle the toughest questions to packing your briefcase, they’ve got you covered—with 30 ways to make sure you bring your A-game. “The Ultimate Interview Guide” 

This is a great resource when contemplating what the appropriate thing is to wear to your upcoming interview. It includes tips, ideas, and strategies on how to match your wardrobe to the workplace. “How to Dress for a Job Interview”

Additional Materials

The interviewer is looking to answer to these questions by the end of your interview:
  1. Can you do this job?

2. Do you want to do this job?

3. Will you be a good fit for the company?

Here are some commonly asked interview questions:

1.How has your previous experience prepared you for this job?

2. What challenges have you faced at previous jobs and how did you resolve the situation?

3. What are your biggest strengths?

4. What are your biggest weaknesses?

5. Why do you think you’ll be a good fit for the job?

Closing & Following-up

Close by reiterating your 3 words, what you learned during the interview, and your interest in the position. Be sure to show your thanks and appreciation for the time and consideration.

Follow-up with and email less than 2 hours later. (Thanks, express interest in job, summarize your fit (1-2 sentences), close with sign-off.)

*Another great way to stand out to a potential employer is to send a hand-written thank you note. This shows that you are dedicated to the company.


General Mental Health Resources:

Project Helping offers opportunities for virtual and at home volunteer experiences to support healthcare professionals, teen mental health, care packages for seniors, and more.

Free Guided Meditations: The UCLA Mindful Awareness Resource Center offers free guided meditations as well as other programming and resources to help calm your mind.

Suicide Hotline & Crisis Helpline: Free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline near you. Online chat, text or phone.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: If you are concerned about yourself or a friend, don’t hesitate to reach out. For free help from a trained crisis counselor 24/7/365:

  • Call or Text “988”
  • 1.800.273.8255 remains in service
  • Chat Online at