There are a lot of days where nothing seems to go your way. External factors can get in your way and ruin your day. While you can’t always control these external factors, you can control how you respond to them. Here is brief list of ways that you can turn a bad day around and improve your overall happiness!
Take a bath or shower
Cleaning a bad day away can make you feel clean and refreshed. You can take this time to do a mental reset to help improve your mood.
Jam out to your favorite song
Music can have an incredibly positive effect on your mood. Turn up your favorite song and take a minute to sing or dance along to help turn your day around.
Plan something fun
Make plans with friends or sing up to volunteer. Get yourself excited for something in the future to improve your mood in the present.
Get some exercise
If you have some time to spare, consider going for a walk or jog to get your endorphins flowing. Being outside and getting some exercise has the ability to give your mood a little boost.
Eat some food
It’s like a Snickers commercial: you’re just not going to be happy when you’re hungry. Have a healthy snack – or even an unhealthy snack. Have a meal or a a coffee. Once you’re full and focused, your day might not seem so bad.
Do an act of kindness
Doing good things for others has the power of making us feel good too. Read more about the science behind it here and find some easy ideas for your act of kindness here.
Chat with a friend or family member
Sometimes all it takes to make things seem less gloomy is a call to your best friend. Share what’s bothering you and maybe it won’t seem so bad.
Take a nap
It’s hard to be the best, happiest you that you can be when you’re tired. If you have a half hour to spare, take a quick power nap. It is a guaranteed mental reset that will make everything seem better.
Tidy up
Cleaning can be cathartic; take a few minutes to tidy up then enjoy the productive feeling that comes with having a neater, more organized space.
Do an art project
Even if you break out some old markers and do a coloring sheet, art can provide a mindful break that will definitely improve your mood. Check out the printable Project Helping coloring book here.
For more mental health resources, check out our Guided Resources Tool.