Volunteer On The Go With Kynd Kits


kynd kits: help someone today


Busy schedule? Lots going on? Always working or on the go? No time to volunteer during the week? Life can get busy sometimes, it happens. But it is still important to continue to maintain your mental health no matter how busy you are. This means taking the time to relax, even when you feel like you have no free time. It also means finding new ways to volunteer if you can’t fit a two hour commitment into your schedule. Volunteering and practicing kyndfulness can make a big impact on your mental health. One way to still volunteer when you are busy is with Kynd Kits.

Kynd Kits are monthly volunteer activities that are delivered to your door. Every month features a new way to make a difference in your community. Each kit comes with everything you need to make an impact and a list of thing you can add to personalize your kit. For example, the kit for June was heat relief kits for people experiencing homelessness. This Kynd Kit included socks, chapstick, and sunscreen as well as other necessary items. You simply assemble the kit in the bag provided, write a nice note, and keep the kit in your car to give out to someone who needs it. Other Kynd Kit project include sight word flash cards for kids struggling with reading, first responder care kits, and homelessness cold kits.

Of course, the best part about volunteering is the social experience. You don’t have to lose that when you do a Kynd Kit. When you order, you can customize how many projects are in your kit. You can order a small kit with 1-3 separate projects or a larger kit with 10+ projects. This way, you can volunteer on your schedule with your family and friends, or with larger groups.

Every time you do a Kynd Kit, you make the same big impact that you make when volunteering. Every kit comes with a three-fold impact. First, you impact yourself by making yourself feel good and building up your own mental wellness. When you put your kit to use, you can impact the people that you are helping. This means that you are helping kids learn to read, helping first responders feel appreciated, and helping people experiencing homelessness stay warm. Finally, when you purchase a Kynd Kit, all profits support Project Helping.

Click here to get started on your Kynd Kits today!
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