Services Map

Check out the map below to see everything we do at Project Helping.

Project Helping

Our Mission: To improve mental wellness through inclusive experiences that create a sense of purpose and community.

We spread this mission through kyndfulness, a daily practice that includes volunteering, acts of kyndness, and gratitude.

Kynd Life

Project Helping hosts over 600 volunteer experience per year so you can build purpose and community.


KyndHub is an online platform, designed by Project Helping, that gamifies kyndfulness - think of it as social media designed to HELP your mental health.

Kynd Kit

Kynd Kits are volunteer projects and acts of kyndness that can be delivered to your home or office.

Kynd Life Programs

In-person Programming

A Kynd Leader is a Project Helping ambassador who leads regular volunteer events. 

Learn about being a Kynd Leader

Find a volunteer experience designed to improve your mental wellness. 

Find a Volunteer Experience

Kynd Hub

An Online Community

Use KyndHub to engage your employees in your social mission. Track hours, create challenges, and make more impact. 

Learn about KyndHub for your Organization

Join KyndHub for free! Find volunteer events, engage with peers, and make an impact – on the community and your mental wellness. 

Log in or sign up

Kynd Kits

Kyndness Delivered

Kynd Kits are the perfect team building activity. They are volunteer projects that can be done as a group. Bring your team together in person, or virtually, to make an impact.

Learn more about Kynd Kits for work

Kynd Kits are great for an individual, group of friends, or family. Kits can be ordered in any quantity and delivered anywhere. 

Learn more about Kynd Kits for home

Imagine having an open bar at your event, but instead of drink, we serve kyndness! That’s the Kynd Bar. 

Learn more about the Kynd Bar

Get a different kit sent to you automatically every month. 

Check out the subscription options