Spread Kyndness [+]

Plus Kynd Kit

Gratitude Practice

Let's start by taking a moment to practice gratitude.
  • What is something good that happened to you this week that you are grateful for?

  • Who has always been there for you when you were down?

The Reason

The mission of Kynd Kits is to practice gratitude and to spread kyndness to the world around us, and this kit does just that. Create a kit for someone you know or someone that you would like to spread some extra kyndness too. We could all use some extra kyndness once in a while.  

Unpack the Box

  • Take everything out of the box.
  • Lay everything out so you can find what you need to build the kit.

Please follow the instructions on this card to create your own Kynd Code. This Kynd Code will be included in the final kit.

*Make note of your Kynd Code. You will use this code at the end of the project. 

Create Your Kynd Code

Find the Kynd Card

This is for you to spread extra kyndness to someone in your own life.  Consider writing a note to a friend, loved one, or colleague that you are grateful for.  Address the note and send it in the mail or give it to someone in person.

DO NOT include this in the finished kit.

Write a Note to the Recipient

1. Find the following items:
  • Blank card and matching envelope
  • Enclosed materials such as crayons, markers, stickers
2. Write your letter and decorate the card.
  • Use the enclosed materials to decorate the card.
    • Express your encouragement and include a hopeful message.
    • Decorate the front and the inside of the card.
      • Helpful Tips:
        • Do not include a date or year on the letter.
        • Avoid politics completely and religion in excess.
          * Can’t think of what to write, draw a picture!
3. Decorate the envelope.
  • Use the enclosed materials to decorate the envelope that will hold your card.
    • Make it colorful and fun. Decorate the front and back of the envelope.
4. Put the completed card in the envelope you decorated. 
  • Include the Kynd Code sheet with the card.

Decorate the Tote

Use the included permanent markers to decorate the tote. Make this fun and colorful. Consider writing a hopeful message or draw a picture. This tote will be used to pack all of the items and will therefore be given to someone you are grateful for… so be creative!

Decorate the Journal

1. Find the following items:
  • Journal
  • Markers
2. Decorate the journal:
  • Decorate the front, back, inside front, and inside back cover of the journal with a picture or uplifting message.
  • Use random pages in the journal to write short uplifting messages, draw small colorful images, or create fun writing prompts for the recipient.

DIY Stress Ball

1. Find the following items:
  • Three balloons
  • Two Play Dohs
  • Scissors (not provided)
2. Combine both Play-Dohs.
  • Take the Play-Dohs out of the containers.
  • Roll both Play Dohs into one large ball.
3. Cut the stem off of one of the balloons.
4. Take the ball of Play-Doh that you just created and insert it into the balloon that you just cut the stem off of.
5. Add a second balloon layer.
  • Cut the stem off of a second balloon.
  • Stretch the balloon over the ball in the opposite direction of the first balloon.
6. Final balloon layer.
  • Do not cut the stem off of the third balloon.
  • Stretch the third balloon over the ball.
7. Tie a knot in the stem of the balloon.
8. Cut off the excess stem of the balloon.
  • You now have a completed stress ball! Good work!

Worry Stone

1. Find the following items:
  • Worry Stone
  • Sharpies
  • Drawstring Bag
2. Decorate the drawstring bag
  • Decorate the drawstring bag to put the worry stone in for the recipient to then carry around in their pocket. 
* Worry stones are smooth, polished rocks used for relaxation or anxiety relief to help one feel grounded. The stone is meant to be kept in one’s pocket. The physical act of massaging a worry stone for several minutes is proven to provide therapeutic & psychological benefits that help soothe your nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety, and help clear your mind so you can focus and think clearly.

Surprise Kyndness

Go through the pages of the adult coloring book and adult puzzle book and write uplifting messages, draw small colorful images, or create fun writing prompts for the recipient.

Pack the Kit

  • Pack all of the materials into the decorated large tote and put it back into the original box.
  • Make sure the Kynd Code is included.
  • Add any optional items you would like.
  • Fuzzy socks
  • Books
  • Positive notes
  • Personal care items
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Protein rich snacks
  • BPA-Free Water Bottle
  • Caffeine-Free Tea (like Peppermint, Chamomile, Ginger and Lemon Tea)

Delivery Options

This kit is designed to be self-distributed to someone you are grateful for!
Some examples include:
  • A friend
  • Family member
  • Coworker
  • Healthcare worker
  • Mail carrier
  • Essential worker
  • Anyone you want to spread a little extra kyndness to

Share Your Impact

Post your experience on KyndHub.

KyndHub is an online community that gamifies volunteering, acts of kindness, and gratitude.

  1. Go to KyndHub.com or download the free app.
  2. Create a free account or log in.
  3. Select “I Built a Kynd Kit” from the post menu.
  4. Post about your kit.


Share Your Completed Kynd Kit on Social Media!

We’d love to hear about your Kynd Kit experience. Post your completed kit on social media and tag Project Helping.

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