Volunteering can be very beneficial to your mental health and is a great way to give back to the community. In this earlier post, we talked about the benefits of volunteering as a family. These include quality family time, teachings kids to be kind, and helping kids build self worth. However, a recent post from Brooklyn Bread talks about the challenges of volunteering with younger kids. Many volunteer events are geared towards older kids and teenagers, which can leave out the little ones. However, little kids are at this perfect age where they are full of optimism, kindness, and empathy. Taking your little ones to volunteer with you can be a great way to harness their natural kindness and help them grow up to be amazing people.
Fear not, here are 6 Project Helping events that are great for younger kids:
A Precious Child

At A Precious Child, all volunteered 5 and up help sort donations to benefit low-income families. Families living in poverty don’t usually have access to essentials that help children stay healthy and succeed in school. For this reason, A Precious Child enables families to “shop” for essentials on the Store Floor. This helps them feel empowered and gives them the shopping experience. Volunteers are needed to help sort donations in the warehouse and hang items in the store. Sorting clothes is an easy task for kids and is a great way to teach them about gratitude and giving back. Click HERE to see future events at A Precious Child.
Denver Dream Center
Through the Adopt-a-Block program, Denver Dream Center seeks to connect people isolated by poverty, neglect, and abuse through community outreach events and services. For this volunteer event, kids 5 and up and families help run donation stations as well as community activities. Volunteering with Denver Dream Center is lots of fun because it doesn’t event feel like work! You can show up and engage with other members of the community, play games, socialize, and treat one another with kindness. This event is great for kids because they won’t even realize the big impact that they’re having – to them, it just feels like they’re playing and having fun. Click HERE to sign up for the next Denver Dream Center event.
Dress for Success
Dress for Success provides low-income women with professional attire for job interviews, job readiness training, and one-on-one interviews to help them achieve financial independents. Once a month, volunteers are needed to help with the donation drive. Kids ages 5+ and families can help unload donors’ cars, sort donations, and restock the boutique. Much like A Precious Child, Dress for Success is an easy way for kids to be involved in the community and to help give back. Click HERE to see volunteer opportunities with Dress for Success.
Make Fidget Blankets for Denver Hospice Patients and Project Linus
At this volunteer event, kids 5 and up and families can help make fidget blankets that go to patients at Denver Hospice and to children at Project Linus. These blankets are made by cutting fabric and tying the ends together to create soft and comfy blankets. You do not need to know how to sew, so everyone can do it! These blankets can help patients with Alzheimer’s feel warm and calm; they also go to ill and traumatized children with Project Linus to help them feel more secure. Click HERE to sign up to be a “blanketeer.”
Improve Community Parks with Denver Parks & Rec
Everyone in the community benefits from beautiful, well-cared-for parks. With Denver Parks & Rec, families with kids ages 5+ volunteer to improve the community’s parks. Activities include mulching trees, weeding, removing debris, racking and/or painting, though all activities vary depending on the weather and the location. This event is particularly great for kids who like to run around and get messy! Kids can dig, play, paint, and have fun outside while also making a visible positive impact on their community. Click HERE to view and sign up for future events to improve community parks.
Baby Haven
Baby Haven in a non-profit child care center that serves to care for young children who have been impacted by the opioid addiction crisis. Volunteers of all ages are can help improve the conditions of the center in order to provide the children it serves with a better environment. Volunteer tasks include deep cleaning, painting, organizing, raking, and weeding. These chores may seem like small tasks at first, but a clean, organized environment helps keep kids safe and makes the families feel respected. Volunteering with kids at Baby Haven gives your family the opportunity to help other kids and families in your community. It can also be a great way to teach kids about being kind, giving back, and having empathy for others. Click HERE to volunteer at Baby Haven.